Pinscher dog - bite wound

Courtesy of: Amb.Vet.Ass. Santo Stefano, Dott. Biondi S. e Mercuri M., Bologna, Italy

Therapy: Pinscher dog, male, 4 years. Attached by a large dog. After surgical curettage with drainage (photo 1), the situation improved from the infection point of view, but stitches did not stuck on the multiple injuries, with abundant lack of epidermic tissue. Laser therapy with Hypermix® application then started (photo 2). The dog was subdue to 11 applications in total. Frequency was 3 times a week (due to veterinary lack of time). The wound completely healed in 28 days. Bandage was applied after therapy, in order to avoid dirt on site and to allow local application of Hypermix® gauze and gel.

Course: 28 days
